Sunday, October 6, 2024

Empowering Dalits: A Gift of Knowledge from Shruti Nagvanshi to Dr. Yogesh Dube


🌍 Empowering Dalits: A Gift of Knowledge from Shruti Nagvanshi to Dr. Yogesh Dube 📚✊

A few years ago, Shruti Nagvanshi presented her groundbreaking book "Margins to Centre Stage: Empowering Dalits in India" to Dr. Yogesh Dube, a powerful advocate for children's rights and PwD empowerment. This exchange was more than the handover of a book—it was the sharing of values, resilience, and a commitment to the ongoing fight for justice. Together, they continue to inspire change for marginalized communities across the globe. 🌱

Link for details:

#Empowerment #DalitRights #SocialJustice #EqualityForAll #GlobalHumanRights #ShrutiNagvanshi #YogeshDube #Inclusion #BreakingBarriers

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Statement on Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday by Lenin Raghuvanshi:


On this day, we honor Mahatma Gandhi’s life and teachings, reflecting on his relentless advocacy for non-violence and truth as pathways to justice and peace. Gandhi stood against war and oppression, and his commitment to non-violence resonates deeply in today’s world, where conflicts, such as the occupation of Palestine and the war in Ukraine, perpetuate human suffering.

Gandhi believed that no war, whether considered just or unjust, could ever bring about lasting peace. He taught us that peace and justice cannot be achieved through violence, but only through dialogue, diplomacy, and respect for the dignity of all people.
From his wisdom, we derive the importance of indigenous knowledge, critical thinking, and the courage to speak against injustice. As India, under the influence of Gandhi and Buddha, advocates for peaceful resolutions in global conflicts, we urge the world to follow this example, especially in regions like Palestine and Ukraine, where violence continues to ravage lives.
In this spirit, we stand firm in calling for the end of war, occupation, and fascism, advocating for a future where diplomacy reigns supreme and peace is sustainable. This Gandhi Jayanti, let us commit ourselves to building a world free from hatred, violence, and oppression. Only by embracing non-violence can we hope to forge a just and peaceful future for all.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Reconstruction of the Ancient Shri Maa Kali Temple in Pandeypur: A Symbol of Devotion and Community Spirit

The reconstruction of the ancient Shri Maa Kali Temple in Pandeypur, Naibasti, Daulatpur, Varanasi, is progressing rapidly. A few days ago, a significant milestone was achieved when the concrete roof of the temple was poured, marking an important step in its restoration. This sacred temple, cherished by the local community, had to be relocated due to the widening of the Pandeypur-Ashapur road, which brought the original structure into the construction zone.

In a remarkable act of devotion and community service, Dr. Arvind Singh, a senior journalist with DD News and a dedicated devotee of Maa Kali, stepped forward to ensure that the temple would remain in its original location. In a selfless gesture, Dr. Singh donated a large portion of his personal land, approximately 600 square feet, for the reconstruction of the temple. His generous contribution, worth crores, underscores his deep spiritual connection with Maa Kali and his unwavering commitment to the community.

Today, the temple’s construction is progressing rapidly, and the local devotees are filled with pride and gratitude. The project is more than just a physical reconstruction; it symbolizes the resilience and unity of the community. The devotion of Maa Kali's followers has turned this temple into a beacon of hope, culture, and faith, drawing people together to ensure that this sacred space is restored to its full glory.

Dr. Arvind Singh's words reflect the spiritual essence of his contribution:
"Sab kuch tera, tujh par arpan Maa, mera kya lage? Maa, hum sab par mamta banaye rakhna..."
("Everything is yours, I offer it to you, Mother. What do I have of my own? Mother, keep your maternal love and care over all of us.")

These simple yet profound words speak to the heart of the temple reconstruction effort. For Dr. Singh and many others, the Maa Kali temple is not just a place of worship but a symbol of their cultural heritage and spiritual identity. His actions have inspired others to contribute their efforts and resources to this noble cause, embodying the saying, "Jai Maa Kali Ji, Jai Mata Di, Har Har Mahadev."

An Analysis of the Impact:

The reconstruction of the Shri Maa Kali Temple at its original location, made possible by Dr. Arvind Singh’s generous donation, highlights several key themes:

  1. Devotion and Sacrifice: Dr. Arvind's decision to donate his land is an extraordinary example of personal sacrifice for the greater good. His act is a testament to his unwavering faith in Maa Kali and his deep-rooted sense of responsibility towards preserving cultural and spiritual spaces.

  2. Community Strength and Unity: The support and involvement of the local community in the temple's reconstruction reflect the collective strength of the devotees. Religious spaces like the Maa Kali temple often serve as the heart of local communities, where people come together not only to worship but to share a common cultural and spiritual identity.

  3. Preservation of Heritage: The decision to relocate the temple within the same area, rather than elsewhere, underscores the importance of preserving historical and cultural landmarks. Temples like the Maa Kali shrine carry centuries of tradition and spirituality, and their restoration ensures that future generations can connect with their cultural heritage.

  4. Spiritual Leadership and Inspiration: Dr. Arvind Singh's role as both a journalist and a spiritual leader offers a model of how individuals can contribute to the well-being of society through personal sacrifice. His leadership has inspired others in the community to support the project, proving that acts of kindness and devotion can have a ripple effect.

As the reconstruction of Shri Maa Kali Temple continues, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of devotion, community spirit, and the preservation of cultural heritage. The temple is not merely a building; it is a living embodiment of faith, unity, and the deep connection between people and their spiritual traditions. Jai Maa Kali Ji, Jai Mata Di, Har Har Mahadev.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Monti: Our First Companion


मोंटी: हमारा पहला साथी

मोंटी था हमारे दिल का हिस्सा,
२००८ में कबीर लाया उसे हंसी से भरा।
दादी यशोदा देवी संग उसने प्यार की शुरुआत की,
धीरे-धीरे बाहर की दुनिया से अपनी पहचान बनाई।

हमसे पालने की कला कुछ कम रही,
इसीलिए उसे घर से दूर करना सही लगा सही।
पर बीमार होते ही वो लौट आता था,
मानो हमारे घर का रास्ता उसे याद आता था।

२२ फरवरी २०१५ का दिन था भारी,
उसकी विदाई ने बदल दी एक पूरी क़िस्मत की कड़ी।
साजिशें आईं और चली गईं, पर दिल की राहों में,
मोंटी आज भी साथ है, जैसे कभी वो हमसे दूर नहीं हुआ।

Monti: Our First Companion

Monti was a piece of our heart,
In 2008, Kabeer brought him home from school, full of charm.
With Grandma Yashoda Devi, his days did start,
And later he found his freedom, living outdoors calm.

We didn’t quite master the art of care,
So one day, we sent him away, to breathe different air.
Yet whenever illness struck, he knew where to roam,
Back to us he came, for our house was his home.

February 22, 2015, a day of grief,
With his passing, a chapter turned like a fallen leaf.
Conspiracies arose, but in our hearts, he's still there,
Monti’s memory lives on, as if he never left our care.

मोंटी: हमारे परिवार का पहला साथी

मोंटी हमारे परिवार का पहला कुत्ता था और उसकी यादें हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न हिस्सा बन गई हैं। २००८ में, जब मेरा बेटा कबीर स्कूल से घर लौट रहा था, उसने मोंटी को देखा और घर ले आया। मोंटी का हमारे जीवन में आना एक अद्भुत और नई शुरुआत थी। उसकी मासूमियत और ऊर्जा ने हमारे घर में खुशियां भर दीं। मेरी दादी, यशोदा देवी, जो घर की सबसे बड़ी और अनुभवी सदस्य थीं, ने मोंटी के साथ उसका शुरुआती दौर बिताया। वो उसे अपने स्नेह और देखभाल से बड़ा कर रही थीं।

हालांकि, हमें कुत्तों को पालने का ज्यादा अनुभव नहीं था। कुत्तों की देखभाल एक विशेष प्रकार की प्रतिबद्धता और कौशल की मांग करती है, जो हमें उस समय नहीं थी। धीरे-धीरे, मोंटी ने खुद को हमारे घर के बाहर की दुनिया से जोड़ लिया और बाहर ही ज्यादा समय बिताने लगा। हम उससे जुड़े तो थे, लेकिन उसे पालने और उसकी देखभाल में शायद हम वो ध्यान नहीं दे पाए जो देना चाहिए था।

फिर, कुछ समय बाद, मोंटी बाहर जाने लगा। यह निर्णय उसका अपना था, लेकिन उसने हमारे घर से अपना संबंध कभी नहीं तोड़ा। वह दिन के समय बाहर चला जाता, लेकिन शाम होते ही घर लौट आता था, जैसे उसे पता हो कि यहीं उसकी सही जगह है, यहीं उसका परिवार है। जब भी वो बीमार होता, उसे पता था कि उसे कहां आना है। वो हमारे घर लौट आता था, जैसे उसे एहसास हो कि यहीं उसकी सच्ची जगह है।

मोंटी की विदाई:

२२ फरवरी २०१५ का दिन हमारे लिए बेहद दुखद था। उस दिन मोंटी की मृत्यु हो गई। उसकी मौत ने हमारे घर के एक युग को समाप्त कर दिया। उसका जाना हमारे जीवन में एक खालीपन छोड़ गया। परिवार के हर सदस्य के लिए यह क्षण कठिन था, क्योंकि मोंटी हमारे जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा था।

साजिशों का दौर:

मोंटी की मौत के बाद, एक अजीब और अप्रत्याशित साजिशों का दौर शुरू हुआ। ये घटनाएं मेरे खिलाफ थीं, और वे मेरे जीवन को और भी मुश्किल बना गईं। मोंटी के जाने के बाद शुरू हुए इस दौर ने हमें मानसिक और भावनात्मक रूप से भी प्रभावित किया। हालाँकि, मोंटी की यादें हमारे दिलों में आज भी उसी तरह बसी हुई हैं, जैसे वो कभी गया ही न हो।

मोंटी केवल एक कुत्ता नहीं था, वो हमारे परिवार का हिस्सा था। उसकी मासूमियत और बिना शर्त का प्यार हमें हमेशा याद रहेगा। उसकी यादें हमारे दिलों में बसी रहेंगी और उसकी उपस्थिति हमें यह याद दिलाती रहेगी कि सच्चा प्यार और वफादारी कभी मरती नहीं।


मोंटी ने हमें सिखाया कि जानवर भी परिवार के सदस्य होते हैं, और उन्हें भी उसी प्यार और देखभाल की जरूरत होती है जैसी हमें होती है। उसकी मौत के बाद जो परिस्थितियां आईं, वो कठिन थीं, लेकिन मोंटी की यादें हमें सुकून देती हैं। उसके साथ बिताए पल आज भी हमारे दिलों में ताजा हैं। मोंटी की वफादारी और प्यार हमारे जीवन का ऐसा अध्याय है जिसे हम कभी भुला नहीं सकते।

Monti: Our First Companion

Monti, our family’s first dog, holds a place in our hearts that time cannot erase. It was in 2008 when my son, Kabeer, brought Monti home one afternoon after school. The sight of that young dog filled our home with new energy, a joy that had not existed before. Monti’s presence marked the beginning of something beautiful and unexpected in our lives. My grandmother, Yashoda Devi, the eldest and most experienced member of our family, shared Monti’s early days with him, showering him with the warmth and care that only she could provide.

However, we were unprepared for the responsibilities that come with raising a dog. Caring for an animal requires a certain level of commitment and skill, something we lacked at the time. Gradually, Monti began to spend more and more time outside the house, as though the world beyond our walls had become more familiar to him. Though we loved him dearly, we perhaps failed to give him the attention and care he truly deserved.

Then, after some time, Monty started going outside. It was his own choice, but he never severed his connection with our home. He would go out during the day but would return home by evening, as if he knew that this was his true place, his family. Whenever he fell ill, he knew where to come. He would come back to our home, as if he realized that this was his true place.

Monti’s Farewell:

February 22, 2015, remains etched in our memories as a day of profound sorrow. On that day, Monti passed away. His death signaled the end of an era in our household. With his departure, a void was left behind, one that we still feel to this day. Each member of our family experienced this loss deeply, for Monti was not just a pet—he was an integral part of our lives.

The Onset of Conspiracies:

After Monti’s death, an unexpected and unsettling phase of conspiracies unfolded against me. These events complicated my life in ways I had not anticipated. The aftermath of Monti’s departure was not just a personal loss but became entangled with external challenges that added to our emotional burden. Nevertheless, Monti’s memory continues to live on in our hearts, as vivid and real as if he had never left us at all.

Monti was more than just a dog—he was family. His innocence, unwavering loyalty, and unconditional love remain with us, a reminder of the beauty and simplicity of his companionship. Even in death, his presence lingers, a quiet testament to the bond we shared and the truth that love and loyalty never truly fade away.


Monti taught us an invaluable lesson: that animals, like humans, are deserving of love, care, and respect. His passing brought with it challenges and grief, but his memory brings comfort and peace. The moments we shared with him, the joy and laughter he brought into our lives, remain fresh in our minds. Monti’s loyalty and love are an irreplaceable chapter in our lives—one we will cherish forever.


Friday, September 13, 2024

A Poem from Lenin's Heart

I was born where privilege lay,

In a caste high, they’d say it’s fate’s sway.

But I saw beyond the walls so steep,

Where the cries of the unheard would never sleep.

My path was carved, not by birth or name,

But by the fire for justice that lit my flame.

Shruti, my love, my partner in strife,

Together we chose this different life.

For the oppressed, for those cast aside,

We march as one, with hope as our guide.

Her strength, her grace, her undying fight,

Together we shine in the darkest of night.

And Kabeer, our pride, our son so true,

In his eyes, the future’s hue.

He plays his game, but he knows the call,

Of a world where justice is for all.

In him, I see the legacy live,

For the world we’re building, for all we give.

Though threats may come, though shadows loom,

I walk with courage, I chase the bloom.

Of a dream my grandfather once believed,

Where all are equal, no soul deceived.

I hold this truth, so bold, so bright,

That love and justice will win the fight.

For I am Lenin, but more than a name,

I carry forward a deeper flame.

For every child, for every tear,

I stand for them, I hold them near.

Together with Shruti and Kabeer by my side,

In this journey of love and justice, we ride.






Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Celebrating a Cultural Milestone: The Launch of “Gokarn Across Bharat” on Nitin Gokarn’s Birthday and a Journey Through India’s Spiritual Legacy

 Celebrating the Launch of "Gokarn Across Bharat" on Nitin Gokarn’s Birthday

On Nitin Gokarn’s birthday, we celebrated the launch of his book "Gokarn Across Bharat" in Varanasi, a city symbolizing India's spiritual heart. This work explores Gokarn’s deep cultural and spiritual significance, rooted in ancient texts like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, and its influence across Bharat, Nepal, and Tibet. The event was a beautiful convergence of tradition and scholarship, highlighting the shared heritage of Gokarn and Kashi, both sacred in India’s spiritual geography.

I have had the privilege of collaborating with Nitin on cultural projects, including the Gudi Padwa celebrations in Kashi. His dedication to preserving India’s spiritual legacy through both public service and cultural endeavors continues to inspire.

Kashi, as Ghalib once said, is the "Kaba of Hindustan." It stands resilient, a testament to simplicity and humanity amidst market forces that challenge its essence. Let us embrace this legacy and continue working towards preserving India's spiritual and cultural heritage.

#GokarnAcrossBharat #NitinGokarn #SpiritualJourney #IndianHeritage #Varanasi #CulturalExploration

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Kitchen Garden: A Small Step to Transform a Family's Life


किचन गार्डन: एक परिवार की जिंदगी को बदलने का एक छोटा सा कदम

फुला देवी, 55 वर्षीय महिला, वाराणसी के अराजीलाइन ब्लॉक के सजोई मुसहर बस्ती में रहती हैं। उनके तीन बच्चे हैं – दो बेटियाँ और एक बेटा, जो सभी शादीशुदा हैं। बेटा ईंट भट्टे पर काम करता है, और परिवार गरीबी में जीवन बिता रहा था। उनके पति राम जी को कभी-कभी मजदूरी का काम मिलता, लेकिन आमदनी बहुत कम होती थी।

फुला देवी ने अपनी परिवार की आर्थिक स्थिति को सुधारने के लिए जनमित्र न्यास के कार्यकर्ता सोमारू पटेल के प्रेरणादायक प्रयासों से किचन गार्डन लगाने का फैसला किया। शुरुआत में उन्हें समझ नहीं आया कि इससे कैसे मदद मिलेगी, लेकिन धीरे-धीरे उन्होंने नेनुआ और सहपुतिया की सब्जी उगाना शुरू किया। इससे परिवार को ताजी सब्जियाँ मिलने लगीं और पैसे बचने लगे। फुला देवी कहती हैं, "हम अपन खेती कईली औउर रोज सब्जी खाईला औउर हमार बहुत पईसा बच गईल।"

इस वर्ष अप्रैल में, फुला देवी ने सुरन की खेती की। फसल अच्छी हुई और उन्होंने सुरन को बेचकर 1000 रुपये कमाए। इन्हीं पैसों से उन्होंने अपनी गर्भवती बहू का इलाज कराया, जब वह अचानक पेट दर्द से पीड़ित हो गई। अल्ट्रासाउंड और दवाइयों के खर्चों को पूरा करने के लिए यही 1000 रुपये काम आए, जिससे जच्चा-बच्चा की जान बच सकी।

फुला देवी का किचन गार्डन आज उनके परिवार के लिए न केवल पोषण का स्रोत है, बल्कि कठिन समय में एक महत्वपूर्ण आर्थिक सहारा भी बन चुका है।

#किचनगार्डन #परिवारकीजिंदगी #सुरनकीखेती #जनमित्रन्यास #सजॉयमुसहरबस्ती

Kitchen Garden: A Small Step to Transform a Family's Life

Fula Devi, a 55-year-old woman, resides in Sajoee Musahar Basti of Arajiline Block, Varanasi. She has three children—two daughters and one son, all of whom are married. Her son works at a brick kiln, and the family was struggling in poverty. Her husband Ram Ji found occasional labor work, but the earnings were meager.

To improve her family’s financial situation, FulaDevi decided to set up a kitchen garden, inspired by Janmitra Nyas worker Somaru Patel. Initially, she was unsure about its benefits, but she started by planting vegetables like gourd and spinach. Soon, the family began receiving fresh vegetables, and their savings increased. Fula Devi shares, "We grew our own crops, ate fresh vegetables every day, and saved a lot of money."

In April this year, Fula Devi expanded her garden and planted yam (Suran). The crop yielded well, and she earned ₹1000 from selling it in the market. These earnings came to her rescue when her pregnant daughter-in-law, in her third trimester, experienced severe pain. The money from the Suran harvest covered the medical expenses, including an ultrasound, and helped save the lives of both mother and child.

Today, Fula Devi's kitchen garden is not just a source of nutrition for her family but also an essential financial support in times of need.

#KitchenGarden #FamilyLifeChange #YamFarming #JanmitraNyas #SajoeeMusaharBasti