GENEVA, Switzerland -- The following information was released by Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA):
Shruti Nagvanshi, born on 2nd January 1975 in the city of Varanasi is an Indian social activist committed to promote social justice and defend civil rights of the marginalised and vulnerable sections in the caste ridden Indian society in order to overcome their social exclusion. She brings to her work 15 years of direct experience with marginalised communities mainly the untouchable caste known as Dalits, women and children in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh.
A dedicated social worker, Shruti has been the District General Secretary of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Childhood Movement), a national movement against child labour from 1996 to 1997. Shruti is the founder of Savitri Bai Phule Women's Forum, a social organisation which works for the empowerment of women members to fight against social evils like caste and gender based discrimination and the Hindu conservative patriarchal value system. The organisation draws inspiration from Savitri Ba Phule who was the first Indian woman to become a teacher and founder of the first shelter home for the battered women victims. When her husband died Savitri went against the social traditions by accompanying the dead body and also lighted the pyre. The Forum celebrates 10th March as Indian Women's Day, as this is the death anniversary of Savitri Ba Phule.
In 1999, Shruti became the founder trustee and managing trustee of Jan Mitra Nyas (People Friendly Trust), the governing body of People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights, (PVCHR) Varanasi. …
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