Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Invitation - M A Thomas National Human Rights Award function
We are honored to share the invitation received from Vigil India Movement for the presentation of Rev. M.A Thomas Human Rights Award - 2016 to Lenin Raghuvanshi on 21 december 2016 at Bangalore
#u4humanrights #pvchr #humanrights
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Vote to Lenin Raghuvanshi
PVCHR Founder and CEO Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi have been nominated under the category CHILD RIGHTS ACTIVISTS. The voting lines will be open from 17th November 2016 and will be closed on 8th December 2016.
It is a request please support Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi by giving missed Call on +91- 7097397619 and also spread it among your friends, family and well-wishers for supporting this noble cause.
The Awards aims to set a Benchmark of being the most democratic award amongst others wherein it is the citizens who would vote for the final Nominees in respective categories, whom they consider eligible. The idea is to set good standards and promote democracy & transparency.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
For Indian activist, 13-year-old’s death after 68 days of fasting is absurd
Aradhana, who died of cardiac arrest, fasted to bring luck to her economically troubled family. Parents organised a funeral to venerate their daughter as a "holy child". Now they are being investigated for culpable homicide.
Mumbai (AsiaNews) – The death of a 13-year-old Jain girl after 68 days of fasting "is a heinous violation of human rights and of the dignity of a human being,” said Lenin Raghuvanshi, executive director of the Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR).
The noted Indian activist spoke to AsiaNews about the death of Aradhana, a girl who died who refused water and food as part of chaumasa, a ritual that marks the fourth holy month in the Jain religion.
The eighth grade student died of cardiac arrest in Secunderabad, Telangana. According to investigation, she fasted to bring luck to her financially-strapped family after her father's jewelry business suffered losses. During the fast, she only drank a few drops of water, according to a precise schedule.
Aradhana’s death has sparked bitter protests from activists, incensed at her parents, guilty in their eyes of failing to protect their daughter.
For their part, the parents, Lakshmichand Samdhariya and his wife Manisha, organised a funeral for their daughter as a bal tapasvi, a holy child. At least 600 people attended the service.
Police in Hyderabad are investigating whether the girl was forced to fast by parents, who have been charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder (causing death by negligence) and cruelty to children (under the Juvenile Justice Act).
Prolonged fasting is a common practice in Jainism, and has been condemned by human rights advocates. For Lenin Raghuvanshi, "When religion is used for greed and power grabbing, we see misery, like in this case". Instead, "We must stop the use of our children in the name of religion and greed."
India: 13enne digiuna 68 giorni e muore, indagati genitori
Roma - La morte di una ragazza giainista di 13 anni, dopo 68 giorni di digiuno, "e' una ignobile violazione dei diritti umani e della dignita' di un essere umano". Lo afferma ad AsiaNews Lenin Raghuvanshi, noto attivista indiano e direttore esecutivo del Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (Pvchr), commentando la notizia della morte della giovane Aradhana, deceduta per essersi rifiutata di bere e mangiare per osservare il "chaumasa", un rituale che celebra il quarto mese sacro della religione gianista. La giovane, una studentessa dell'ottava classe, e' morta per arresto cardiaco a Secunderabad, nel Telangana. Secondo le indagini, la ragazza digiunava per attirare la fortuna sulla sua famiglia, che era in difficolta' economiche dopo che la gioielleria del padre aveva subito delle perdite. Nei giorni del digiuno rituale avrebbe assunto solo poche gocce d'acqua, ad orari precisi. La morte di Aradhana ha scatenato aspre proteste degli attivisti, che hanno messo sotto accusa la condotta dei genitori, colpevoli di non aver impedito il sacrificio della figlia. Al contrario, Lakshmichand Samdhariya e la moglie Manisha hanno organizzato un rituale funebre per venerare la figlia come "bal tapasvi" ["santa bambina"]. Al suo funerale hanno partecipato almeno 600 persone. La polizia di Hyderabad sta indagando se la ragazza sia stata costretta al digiuno da parte dei genitori, che nel frattempo sono stati imputati di omicidio colposo (morte provocata per negligenza) e per crudelta' contro i minori (in base ad una norma del Juvenile Justice Act). Il digiuno prolungato e' una pratica diffusa nel giainismo, e da tempo viene condannato dai difensori dei diritti umani. Lenin Raghuvanshi dichiara: "Quando la religione viene usata per avidita' e per agguantare il potere, allora assistiamo a miserie come questo incidente". "Abbiamo bisogno - conclude - di fermare l'uso dei nostri bambini in nome della religione e della cupidigia".(AGI)
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Conflict transformation for sustainable peace
War is symptom of conflict escalation. We need to work to create conflict transformation for sustainable peace based on dignity, reconciliation, rule of law and pluralism.
During partition of India and Pakistan, hundred thousands people faced organised violence at both sides. But there is no reconciliation, which is created a Mindset of hatred and distrust.
I ask for pardon to me from all innocent people and their families who faced organised violence in partition. And I appeal to Government of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to make effort for reconciliation for better world and Better South Asia.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
State of impunity: nexus of corrupt officials and anti-women suspect criminal in India
Shruti Nagvanshi
The People’s Vigilance Committee on
Human Rights (PVCHR) started Satyagrah (Human rights street movement) for rule
of law and human rights defenders from 15th August, 2013 and it continues for a
months in various place of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand with the participation of
thousands of people.
The movement is to raise voices against
drug Mafia, Sex mafia, police atrocity and apathy of cases against Human Rights
defenders in various part of Uttar Pradesh. This satyagrah started on 15th
August, 2013 and continues for four days in front of street of PVCHR office.
On 18th September, 2013 they organized
first phase culmination of satyagrah at 10 am in front of the Vidhan Sabha
Bhawan, Lucknow.
Satyagrah or as I call it a Human
Rights Street Movement, is the way left now to bring facts about the corrupt
system to the knowledge of leaders.
Discriminatory attitudes and lack of
sensitization to the dynamics of crimes involving sexual or domestic violence
leave victims without critical police aid or redress to which they are
entitled. The police attitude that domestic violence is primarily of a private
nature is the most unfortunate trivialization of a grave social evil, that too,
when the police are empowered to arrest the perpetrator without any warrant.
The Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005, was enacted to augment women’s immediate protection from
violence through emergency relief, including access to temporary protection
order and domestic violence shelters.
In reality, the situation, however,
depicts a complete reversal. The lawyers and activists say that due to poor
implementation of the law, women facing imminent and life threatening violence
remains hostage to police attitude. This attitude of the police perhaps stems
from its traditional legacy of „rule of lords‟, the same as its colonial
masters. This is the common bond between the police and the feudal lords in India,
which do not believe in the concept of welfare state.
Mr. Sunil Gupta had a love marriage
with his first wife Ms. Soni Gupta in 1995 and approximately after 7 years of
the marriage his wife died due to hanging, which also means she was either
killed or she herself committed suicide? The tragic death amply proves that Mr.
Sunil Gupta has a bias attitude towards women which led to the untimely death
of Ms. Soni Gupta. Ms. Sapna Chaurasia has testified, “His previous wife in
all probability was forced to take such an extreme step of ending her life just
because she could not bear such cruel and inhuman treatment meted out to her.
After the incident Sunil Gupta had a compromise deal with the Soni’s family. In
the absence of any legal action, Sunil Gupta got a moral boost for his
actions”. It is a well known fact that Sunil Gupta has made clouts in
the Bhelupur police station, Varanasi in India and
using that power for illegal purposes which constitute a serious threat for the
“Rule of Law”. A false case with Crime number 199 under section 13, 342,
384, 498 was filed by Sunil Gupta in Bhelupur police station against me and my
wife Shruti on 19 June , 2013 which is a clear example pointing to that.
Surprisingly, Sunil Gupta filed the same complaint with the office of IG
police, Varanasi zone on 21 January, 2013 and the matter was investigated by
the Circle Officer, Cantonment area. Sunil Gupta has referred this also in his
statement. In his final investigation report (No: CO Cant – CST/RGZ-09-2013)
submitted by Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Circle Officer on 20 February, 2013, the
allegations leveled by Mr. Sunil Gupta were proved false and baseless. On the
basis of same allegations Mr. Sunil Gupta filed a habeas corpus writ petition (No:
8753/2013) in the honorable High Court on which Sapna and her brother Shyam
made their statements before the court. Honorable High Court while dismissing
the writ petition passed the following order:
“Sunil Kumar Gupta, the husband of the
corpus has appeared before this Court along with a five years child who is
admittedly born out of this wedlock. The question of his custody may arise but
for that purpose, corpus may apply before the proper forum in a separate suit
if she is so advised. The petition stands disposed of, accordingly. Corpus is
set at liberty she may go anywhere as per her wish and desire. Her husband,
Sunil Kumar Gupta, is restrained from making any kind of interference in the
peaceful life and liberty of the corpus.
With the aforesaid observations, this
petition stands disposed of.”
After the court judgment Sapna sent
registered letters to DGP, SSP, SHO- Cant, SHO-Women’s Police Station and
SHO-Bhelupur Police Station on 25 March 2013. It is quite astonishing to
know that Sunil Kumar Gupta has filed a case in the High Court on behalf of his
wife in which he has made District Magistrate, SSP and the UP government via
Home Secretary along with me as a party in the case. I was served a notice in
the case. It is quite obvious that District Administration and Varanasi Police
must also have been served notices for the same. But on 18 March, 2013 but no
one was present in the court on behalf of District Administration and Varanasi
Police. Varanasi district police also sent a report to the National Human
Rights Commission on 10 April, 2013. But the above mentioned facts and the
details of the Honorable High Court’s judgment were not taken into
consideration as evidences. While Sunil Gupta clearly mentioned about it in his
statement to Varanasi police. It proves that Varanasi police is giving
additional protection to Sunil Gupta. On 3 December, 2013 Sapna Chaurasia sent
a registered complaint letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police and I also
sent complaint letters to Senior Superintendent of Police and the National
Human Rights Commission on 5 December, 2013. After the notice of Honorable
Human Rights Commission and reminder from the Home Ministry, Varanasi Police
filed a case with No: 4/13 under Sections 328, 511, 498 A, 323 and 504 of the
Indian Penal Code. At the same time before 10 April crucial sections namely;
328, 511of the IPC were removed from the case list. While under the other
sections the case was referred to the mediation center in Varanasi by the
government order in which 11 April, 2013 was mentioned as the date for
mediation. A day before this, on 10 April, 2013 report was also sent to the
honorable Human Rights Commission. This action also makes it clear that Sunil
Gupta was being protected by the Varanasi police. At the first stance the FIR
was filed after three months and within less than one month of time two crucial
sections were removed from the charges and the whole matter was made out to be
a case for mediation. An FIR on the same charges was filed in Bhelupur police
station against those who were pleading the case on which police investigation
had already been completed and the honorable High Court had passed its
judgment. Therefore an FIR under section 166 A of IPC should be registered
against the police officials of Varanasi police responsible for this act. In
this connection on 20 June 2013, I have sent my statement before my death
through a registered letter as well as through E Mail to DGP-UP, Chief Minister
of Uttar Pradesh and Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission in which I
have clearly mentioned that Varanasi SP (City), corrupt officials of Cant
police station, corrupt non government organizations along with anti women
elements could conspire to eliminate me physically. On 24 January, 2013 I also
issued an urgent appeal to conduct a high level enquiry by CBI or CB-CID and
sent my petition to various police officials and the National Human Rights
Commission. I made accusations for an imminent threat on my life and security
along with attempts to implicate me in fabricated legal cases but no action was
taken on my complaint. On 19 June 2013 on the basis of a letter written to
Chief Medical Officer by Sunil Gupta, a case was filed against me and my wife
Shruti. On 23 June 2013 I informed the DGP- UP, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
and Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission about death threats and
attempts to falsely implicate me through a registered letter and E Mail.
Meanwhile on 26 June 2013 I held a meeting with the honorable Chief Minister of
Uttar Pradesh at his residence and DGP- UP with a representative committee
having 8 members and I gave an application for investigation and action on this
incident along with several other issues. On the same evening I got a phone
call threatening to implicate me in a rape case and I informed about it through
social networking site Face Book. I sent my complaint regarding calls
threatening to implicate me in false cases and my murder, through registered
letter to various officials of the honorable National Human Rights Commission.
But no action was taken and after that
on 24 April 2013 I was attacked with weapons with a clear intention to kill. A
case was registered with case no: 359/13 under sections 307, 452, 341, 323 on
25 April, 2013. Even after the registration of the case no investigating
officer came to investigate even once. After that Sunil Gupta and his gang
started attacking my wife with slanderous remarks by creating an account in
Face book. They also made objectionable and unethical remarks on my cousin
sister’s marriage terming as a high profile NGO party by using photographs from
my wife’s face book account for which Shruti filed a case with Crime no: 418/13
in Cant police station under sections 66 G, 66 GH and 67 B of the IT Act.
On that complaint investigating officer visited us only once. On 13 May,
2013 I wrote a letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi informing
about it. On 18 June, 2013 I wrote a complaint to the IG, Varanasi Zone
informing him that Sunil Gupta has threatened the relatives of Sapna to make a
compromise otherwise she would have to face consequences. While talking about
the gang war he claims to be a member and close confident of Munna Bajrangi
The conversation had been
recorded and produced before the police official. The matter is being
investigated by the Circle Officer, Cant Police Station, Varanasi. My statement
has also been recorded and further action is awaited in the matter (CST/RTZ 997-13,
June 23, 2013, Senior Superintendent of Police). On the complaint of Shruti,
the District Probation Officer has already sent a letter to the Senior
Superintendent of Police to take action on the matter (Letter No: 2572-73/
Dist/ Pro/ Office/ SSP/Complaint/2012-13).Once again by disregarding the order
of Honorable High Court Sunil Gupta gave a complaint to District Collector,
Varanasi and asked District Probation Officer to start investigation against me
once again (Letter No: 778-9/Dist/Pro/Off/Complaint/Investigation/2013-14/
Dated 17, June 2013). Before all this I and Sapna had already submitted
our prayer to take action against Sunil Gupta under section 182 of IPC. It is
to be noted that Sunil Gupta can harass me and my organization with the connivance
of corrupt police, corrupt lawyers, corrupt media and corrupt officials, so one
can only imagine the fate and condition of Sapna and her family. One day Sunil
Gupta forcibly abducted Sapana’s younger sister Soni and she could be freed
only after her brother Shyam interfered in the matter. In its investigation
report on 10 February, 2013, Bhelupur Police station, Varanasi wrote to the
Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi that when the missing girl was found,
Lenin Raghuvanshi neither informed the police nor he informed the higher
officials whereas on 3 December, 2012 Sapna immediately sent a registered
letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi informing about it. The
same complaint was sent to the honorable National Human Rights Commission on
which the commission sent a notice to the Senior Superintendent of Police,
Varanasi on 15 December, 2012. Before 10 February, 2013 the committee has
written letters to many higher officials. But contrary to expectations, the
Bhelupur police station acting like a court and without recording my and
Sapna’s statements decides on its own which clearly indicates the influence
Sunil Gupta has on the officials of Bhelupur police station.
On 24 January, 2013 it has been
demanded in written from National Human Rights Commission that an enquiry from
the CB-CID should be set up in this case. In this case I was physically
attacked in attempts to save the life of the victim. I had to approach the High
Court in a false case. False case was filed against me and Shruti. I was
defamed in the social networking site. It all happened because I am a human
rights worker. I filed a complaint in the National Human Rights Commission but
the ‘Human Rights Defender Desk’ at the commission did not take appropriate and
legal steps.
Sapna revealed in her
testimony, “I was kidnapped approximately after 4 days and after
completing marriage formalities they took me to home. My mother was alone at
home; she could not do anything because she was frightened by his power”. Sapna
also told that they forced her to sign on a paper and this happened in a hotel.
She said “I know one can get notary papers signed forcibly at home”. The
matter should be investigated whether notary register carry the signatures of
Soni Gupta and Sapna or not?
The other fact is that in
2012 the age of Sapna was 23 years and during 2005-6 her age must have been 15
to 16 years. At that time, this marriage is clearly a case of child marriage
which is illegal under Indian law. But Varanasi police continues to hide this
fact. Whereas this is a case of forced marriage which was agreed upon due to
pressure and fear? Sunil Gupta’s influence within the police administration can
be found in his statement where he says he get the call details of his wife. SP
(city) police office does not even care to know the matter that how he manages
to get the call details. It should be mentioned that Sapna has been nominated
in the category of crusaders of women’s rights in the Hindustan Times and her
name was also published in the daily. Sapna was also honored with a certificate
presented to her by Member of Parliament, Mrs.Dimple Yadav and the famous film
actress Shabana Azami . Therefore, action should be taken against the police
officials under section 166A of IPC.
In the evidence scrutiny no: 3
police has told that the evidence given by Sunil Gupta shows that Sapna’s
medical treatment with drugs started in 2010 while their marriage took place in
2005. So clearly in the span of 5 years she was tortured and also forcibly
given alcohol and administered injections. When Sapna’s condition deteriorated,
she was taken to a doctor. The doctors diagnosed her with “Adjustment
disorder”“An Adjustment disorder occurs when an individual is unable to
adjustment to or cope with a particular stressor, Like a major life event,”.It
has been stated further, “Unlike major depression however the disorders
is caused by an outside stressor & generally resolve once the individual is
able to adopt to situation”. The police should have managed to detect the “Adjustment
disorder”. It also means that Sunil Gupta worked as an Outside
Stressor, tortured her, gave her drugs and injections and oppressed her. When
she became too sick then took her for treatment. It is also a fact that
false case against me and Shruti was filed based on the letter addressed to the
Chief Medical Officer. This also reveals an open nexus between the doctors,
Sunil Gupta and the police. Therefore it is prayed that action should be taken
against anti women gang under the law along with an enquiry by the Independent
Sunil Gupta has accused that
Sapna ran away taking jewellery and cash with her in November 2012. Then in
July 2012 why did he make a claim for Vidavidai (ceremony performed when wife
goes to her parental home) in the family court. Sunil Gupta is a cunning and
anti women person.
On 20 December, 2012 Sunil Gupta
came to my residence and threatened me. I have already sent a registered
complaint letter to various higher authorities. Again on 16 February 2013, I
got a threatening call on my mobile which I already reported to the Senior
Superintendent of Police, Varanasi through a registered letter. Meanwhile,
Sunil Gupta sent a letter to the IG on 21 January 2013. Before this Sunil Gupta
did not provide any information of the previous incidents to any police
authority. This fact has neither been registered by investigating officers nor
been included in the evaluation of police report. It clearly shows that a
corrupt section of police department, corrupt gang of lawyers and some anti
social elements have joined together in their efforts and facilitated to send
this letter to the IG police. There was an enquiry on this matter and Circle
Officer Cant police station submitted his report. But on my complaints filed on
20 December, 2012 and 16 January, 2013, even my statement has not been recorded
so far. This also proves a close nexus of local police with Sunil Gupta. Even
on the complaint letter written to the honorable National Human Rights
Commission related to threats given to me, no action has been taken so far.
By terming the mental and
physical exploitation of Sapna Chaurasia as controversial and a case of
personal disagreements in its investigation report, the Varanasi police are
trying to hush up the matter. A corrupt section of the police is opposed to any
move to defend human rights issues. After the initiative of National Human
Rights Commission on a complaint filed on 5 December, 2012, a case was filed
against Sunil Gupta (case no: 04/2013 under section 328/511/498A/323/504/506 of
IPC) on 13 March, 2013 but two crucial sections namely 328/511 were removed
from this case by the Varanasi police. The fact is that this marriage took
place in 2005 but Sapna was taken to a psychiatrist for treatment in 2010. The
psychiatrist diagnosed Sapna suffering from Adjustment disorder which
is caused by the Stressor. In this case Sunil Gupta is the prime
cause for such stress. Unfortunately the police removed both the crucial
sections from the case which help in this kind of offences.
Hindu fascists and communal forces from
other religions of Intelligence agencies, police, media, society and other
civil society organizations in India want
to destroy PVCHR and finish me & my family. Continuously they are trying to
break me psychological and attacked few times physical. But I am remembering
quote of Mahatama Gandhi, “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even
destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”
All Rights
Reserved © by The Oslo Times
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Challenging Law: Voices from Civil Society
Civil societies have been critical to these laws. In October, 2012, J. L. Chugh, joint secretary of the Indian Home Ministry, issued a statement to the local People’s Vigilance Committee (PVCHR) on Human Rights in India, and said a hearing would be convened to discuss the sedition law. PVCHR believes that concerned law is incompatible with democracy. PVCHR requested that the Indian parliament should immediately repeal this colonial era sedition law.
The Committee to Protect Journalist also believes that repealing such law would represent a commitment to press freedom and human rights that is in keeping with India’s democratic character. Democracies across the globe have already acted to repeal their sedition laws.
#dissent #u4humanrights #CPJ
Monday, September 12, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Lenin Raghuvanshi on age of 23 years
From the beginning, Raghuvanshi was averse to the caste system. He refers to his higher caste Hindu upbringing as "feudal". This sprung the seed of social activism in him. He became the president of the Uttar Pradesh chapter of United Nations Youth Organisation at the age of 23 (1993).
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
EU in India congratulates Lenin Raghuvanshi for Prestigious MA Thomas Human Rights Award 2016
Message of EU In India at facebook as follows:
Congratulations Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi!
Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, a human right activist, will be conferred the prestigious MA Thomas National Human Rights Award – 2016, in#Bangalore this September.
Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi is an #EUVP Alumni. His organisation Jan Mitra Nyas/#PVCHR has twice been a recipient of grant funds under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (#EIDHR), for their work towards prevention of police torture and rehabilitation of victims of torture.
Keep up the good work Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi!
Please see attachment
#EUVP #EU #pvchr #bangalore #u4humanrights
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
#100women achievers of india : Ms Shruti Nagvanshi : A dedicated social worker
#100women achievers of india : Ms Shruti Nagvanshi : A dedicated social worker: A dedicated social worker, Shruti has been the District General Secretary of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Childhood Movement), a nationa...
Friday, August 19, 2016
Bicycle for Freedom: Empowering Financially Weak and Sexually Abuse Prone Girls
In the pursuit for gender freedom and girl’s empowerment through education, PVCHR in collaboration with Kamalika Foundation, on August 16, 2016, had organised, ‘Bicycle for Freedom’ program. Five bicycles were distributed to the girls who are financial weak and prone to sexual abuse. With the financial assistance from two hundred Swedish donors, so far, eighty bicycles have been distributed to the underprivileged girls. Smita Sharma, a photo photojournalist, who has taken up the cause of sexual violence in India and abroad, was present. Here’s a report by Shruti in the weekly column Torture & Dignity that will be published every Saturday exclusively in Different Truths.
In a time where domestic violence against women are increasing leaps and bounds , child abuse and molestation is happening on daily basis and victims of such terrible incidences are coerced to lives with social stigma – education plays a significant role to prevent such cases and empower victims. In this context, with mission to empower girl’s educations that are financially weak and prone to sexual abuse, People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) along with Rajdulari Foundation (Sweden) initiated ‘Bicycle for Freedom’ project.
#u4humanrights #pvchr #dignity #freedom #cycle #girlpower
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Rights activist Lenin Raghuvanshi wins M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award 2016
Varanasi, August 08: Well-known human rights defender and social activist Lenin Raghuvanshihas been selected for the prestigious M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award 2016 of the Vigil India Movement, Bangalore.
A three-member Jury consisting Justice Santosh Hegde, (former Judge, Supreme Court of India), Akbar Mirza Khaleeli, (former Ambassador of India to Iran and other countries and Board of Trustee of VIM) and Dr. Cherian Thomas, (Director of Ecumenical Christian Centre and Secretary & Trustee of VIM) unanimously selected Raghuvanshi for the award from among the nominations received from various parts of the Country.
The Vigil India Movement instituted the M. A. Thomas National Human Rights Award in 1994 in memory of its Founder President Late Dr. M.A. Thomas. The award carries One Lakh Rupees and a citation. In the past, Swami Agnivesh, PUCL, Medha Patekar, Harsh Mandar, Vithal Mahadeo Tarkunde and Justice V R Krishna Iyer were also honoured with this award. Raghuvanshi will receive the award in September 2016 in Bangalore.
Lenin Raghuvanshi, who has been working among the most downtrodden and marginalized community in Varanasi for about two decades, is the founder of Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights. He has won several awards.
He is also recipient of 2007 Gwangju Human Rights Award from May 18 Foundation of South Korea and ACHA Star Peace award from Association for Communal Harmony in Asia USA.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Historical step of NHRC for elimination of Bonded labour
Commission is also astonished to note that most of the brick kilns are being
run without proper licence. Such operation without proper permits/licence not
only causing huge revenue loss to the State exchequer but also leading to
exploitation of labour and trafficking in human beings. In view of the findings
of the enquiry teams, the Commission directs as under: i) Chief Secretary,
Govt. of UP to instruct the District Magistrates in all the Districts for
mapping of the brick kilns and other such units as several such units appears
to be in operation without any permit in violation of laws not only causing
huge revenue loss to the State exchequer but also leading to exploitation of
labour and trafficking in human beings. ii) District Magistrate, Varanasi, U.P.
to issue release certificate under BLSA Act. 1976 to all the bonded labourers
after proper scrutiny. The Subsistence allowance should be immediately given to
all the labourers. Their rehabilitation process should be started immediately
with the concerned District Magistrates. iii) District Magistrate, Varanasi and
Mirzapur, U.P. to organise periodical sensitization programme for SDM/Labour
officers about conducting the enquiry relating to the Bonded Labourer System
Abolition Act and other relevant laws/judgements given by the Hon'ble Supreme
Court. Vigilance Committee needs to be activated in identifying, release
rehabilitation of bonded labourers. iv) DM, Varanasi and Mirzapur, UP to ensure
that the basic amenities including the living conditions be improved and the
Provisions of Right to education should also be implemented in true spirit. The
officials must be sensitized to ensure maintenance of proper records and their
production by employers whenever inspection is carried out. These sensitization
programmes be completed before start of the season. v) Dy. Labour Commissioner,
Varanasi and Mirzapur, UP to submit the details of action taken against the
brick kiln owners after invoking the provision of minimum wages Act, Inter
State Migrant Act, SC/ST Act and Child Labour Act where ever applicable. vi)
Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi and Mirzapur, UP to submit the
details of FIR and present status registered against the brick kiln owners.
vii) District Magistrate, Mirzapur, U.P. to initiate action under the
provisions of Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act with regard to 20 labourers
who were found working at JBS Stone Crusher, Devri Kala Tehsil, Medihan,
District Mirzapur and issue their release certificates forthwith. viii)
District Magistrate, Mirzapur, U.P. to get an enquiry conducted at all the
stone crushers located in the District in accordance with the provisions of the
Bonded Labour System Abolition Act. ix) Issue Notice to the Secretary, Ministry
of Mines, Govt. of India and also Secretary, Ministry of Labour to get an
enquiry conducted at all the stone crushers located in the District in
accordance with the laws as applicable and submit report to the Commission. The
enquiry inter alia should also cover on the basic amenities and facilities
provided by the employers to the labourers as mandated under the law. x) A
Notice be issued to the District Magistrate and Superintendent of Police,
Mirzapur to launch a drive in order to identify the vehicles involved in the
stone crushers activities and other such activities found without number plates
and submit an action taken report. xi) District Magistrates of Jaunpur,
Chandauli, UP, Sidhi,Madhya Pradesh, Palamu & Daltonganj, Jharkhand and
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh to submit a report on the steps taken for rehabilitation
of the released bonded labourers. xii) Chief Medical and Health Officer,
Mirzapur, U.P. to visit M/s JBS Stone stone crusher, Devri Kalan Tehsil,
Medihan, Mirzapur and other stone crushers in Medihan in order to examine and
assess the health condition of labourers found working there and submit
compliance report. xiii) DM, Varanasi to submit status of rehabilitation of
bonded labourers rescued and released since 2012 and to submit proof of
payment. xiv) Let a copy of these proceeding along with reports be also
transmitted to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and
Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi being nodal Ministry and
nodal agency for the cases relating to trafficking in human beings for information
and further necessary action. DM, Varanasi and Mirzapur, UP to submit status
report regarding action taken against owners who are running kilns without
valid licence. Compliance report be submitted within eight weeks.
#pvchr #u4humanrights #endslavery #bondedlabour #NHRC
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Lenin Raghuvanshi at Everpedia
Lenin Raghuvanshi is a human rights advocate and founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights. He advocates for the Dalits, a lower caste group fighting for their dignity in India. Lenin is credited with changing the discourse on Dalit Politics in India and bringing into focus an innovative "people centric" approach to reclaim "human dignity" for the deprived sections in a caste ridden Indian society.
Lenin completed his Bachelor degree in Ayurveda, Modern Medicine and Surgery from the State Ayurvedic Medical College, Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar in 1994.
Lenin's father was a die-hard communist and an ideological follower of communist leaders named all his children after great communist leaders. But could not convince Lenin, his son to be a follower of Lenin, the leader. Instead, the son was charmed by the Gandhian believes of his grandfather, who taught him power of truth, non violence and simple living. He mirrored him the continuing challenges the poor of this country face on a day to day basis post independence. Lenin’s belief that reconciliation not conflict, sharing not accumulation, gender equality not masculinity, secularism not radical interpretation of religion has its root in those inculcated Gandhian principles.
Lenin's parents were strong believers in their religion. They carry the surname Raghuvanshi, an Indian dynasty. According to Indian mythology Raghuvanshi are lineage of Sun God and Lord Rama and symbolize courtesy, virtue, bravery, generosity. In modern day caste system, Raghuvanshi represent the ruling warrior class.
Lenin's vision on caste, conflict and social change took a concrete shape while working with the bonded labourers in India. He was born into a high caste Hindu family which he describes as "feudal." He noticed that not a single child bonded in the sari or carpet industries came from an upper caste, even though some high-caste families were often just as poor as the lower castes. He realized that caste, not class, was at work. By the end of 1996, Lenin was championing for a major cause that is to fight for the basic rights of lower-caste people. Early experiences taught him that confrontation was essentially dangerous and not the most effective emancipatory tool. Increasingly, Lenin recognized the role of caste in all kinds of social conflicts and therefore envisioned a movement that could break the closed, feudal hierarchies of conservative slums and villages by building up local institutions and supporting them with a high profile and active human rights network.
Lenin conceived of a folk school which not only enabled empowerment of the poor, but also endowed them with the ability to access information and justice through the constitutional mechanism of the state. To translate policy into practice, Lenin has begun working on the latest part of his strategy, Jan Mitra Gaon, or the People-Friendly Village. These villages have durable local institutions that work to promote basic human rights in the face of continuous discrimination. Lenin has adopted three villages and one slum as pilot projects, which include reactivating defunct primary schools, eradicating bonded labor, ensuring girl child education, and promoting non-formal education. The village committees comprise of at least 50 percent Dalits, and seek to realize greater political representation of Dalits in village councils.
In 1993, Lenin was President of United Nations' Youth Organization (UNYO), UP Chapter. In 1996, he founded the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights with Shruti, in association with Dr. Mahendra Pratap (Historian), Vikash Maharaj (Musician), GyanedraPati (poet). Dr. Lenin was severely beaten and physically tortured at the hands of Indian paramilitary force, the CRPF on 17th July, 1996 while participating in a protest demonstration to demand the liberation of bonded child labourers. The case was later taken up by Amnesty International and NHRC.
In 1997, TIME Magazine wrote an article on Dr. Lenin and child labour in India. [42]
In 2001, Dr. Lenin was awarded the Ashoka Fellowship for social entrepreneurship. [43]
In 2004, he founded the Musahar-Nut Adhikar Manch (Forum on Rights of Musahars and Nuts). Musahars and Nuts are the most marginalized untouchable castes in the hunger infested districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Advocacy at national and international fora has succeeded in prioritizing hunger in government expenditure policy. Active mobilization of the poor Dalits has forced various political parties to include the empowerment of Dalits in their electoral manifestos. As a result of PVCHRs' pressure, the Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Act was amended to include a clause which directed each local self-governing bodies of the village to allot fund to the amount of Rupees one thousand to mitigate emergency hunger situation.
In 2015, Dr. Lenin was invited at the Global Tolerance Forum in Drammen, Norway where he voiced his strong opinion on the contemporary political situation in India, showed deep concern about increasing hold of fundamentalist and extremists elements in Indian society. [39]
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