Thursday, February 29, 2024

Standing Against Injustice: An Urgent Letter to Common People Highlighting Threats to the Dalit Movement (2007)

 "Urgent Letter to Common People: Highlighting Threats to the Dalit Movement (2007)"

Dear Fellow Citizens,

I write to you today with a heavy heart, deeply concerned about the ominous threats looming over the Dalit movement. In recent times, we have witnessed a disturbing rise in hostility and oppression towards Dalits, threatening to undermine the hard-fought progress and aspirations of an entire community.

As conscientious individuals, it is imperative for us to recognize and confront the systemic injustices and discrimination faced by Dalits on a daily basis. The very fabric of our society is woven with the threads of equality, justice, and fraternity, principles that are grossly violated when any section of our population is subjected to indignity and oppression.

The Dalit movement, born out of the struggle for dignity and rights, has been a beacon of hope for millions, challenging the entrenched caste-based hierarchies and demanding equal opportunities and representation for all. However, this noble movement now finds itself besieged by forces seeking to silence dissent, suppress voices of dissent, and perpetuate caste-based discrimination.

It is incumbent upon each one of us, as guardians of democracy and champions of justice, to stand in solidarity with our Dalit brothers and sisters. We must vehemently oppose any attempt to dilute or undermine the hard-won gains of the Dalit movement. Our collective silence in the face of injustice only emboldens the oppressors and perpetuates the cycle of discrimination.

Let us reaffirm our commitment to the principles of equality, social justice, and human dignity. Let us raise our voices against caste-based discrimination and pledge our unwavering support to the Dalit movement. Together, we can build a society where every individual is treated with respect and dignity, irrespective of caste, creed, or background.

In solidarity,

Lenin Raghuvanshi


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