Thursday, February 4, 2021

The NPPW screening of Valid* Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for 2021

Lenin Raghuvanshi and Shruti Nagvanshi nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to combat masculinity driven militarist traditions, & for their contribution to bettering conditions for peace in world and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of masculinity driven militarist traditions as a weapon of war and conflict.

Nobel Peace prize Watch hereby presents a screened list of 50 candidates nominated or renominated, as qualified for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. The list results from our service to nominators and candidates, and gives the committee a wide range of genuine candidates. The committee shall pick the person best suited to realize, promote and communicate the peace ideas of Alfred Nobel´s testament 27. Nov 1895.

 The Norwegian Nobel Committee has received around 400 nominations for the 2021 peace prize. Here follows the nominations known to the NPPW that comply with the purpose set out in Alfred Nobel´s testament in 1895. The committee is obliged by law to select the person most suited to promote the Nobel vision of how to abolish war. See our NPPW guidelines for screening

The address for this list is:

A. NEW nominations, 
(known /endorsed by NPPW for the first time in 2021):

The individual links to each of the valid nominations

Full link


Article 9 Association
CAAT, Campaign Against Arms Trade
Cabasso, Jacqueline
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
Clark, Helen Zealand
Cohn, Carol

Cornelius, Helena
Dhanapala, Jayantha Lanka
Global Campaign for Peace Education1 
Goodman, Amy
Grevil, Frank
Gunn, Katharine
Kirkenes Puckers
Lee, Barbara
Monbiot, George
Nagvanshi, Shruti
Pilger, John
Raghuvanshi, Lenin
Ross, Carne
Sanders, Barry
Seok-ki, Lee Korea
Tambadou, Abubacarr
Union of Concerned Scientists
Urata, Kenji
Veterans for Peace (VFP)
Walker, Paul F.
Ware, Alyn Zealand
Wright, Ann
Zelter, Angie

1 This nomination may seem to pursue a broad and general peace concept, but the NPPW considers the GCPE qualified for the Nobel prize since its work is based on “a concept of education for the abolition of war, illuminating the fundamental need for a non-arms dependent alternative system of global security. Thus, the practice of peace education advanced by the Global Campaign on educating citizens of all ages, is directed toward the achievement of such a system.”

Parallell, almost identical nomination entered by Senator Marilou McPhedran, Senate of Canada

Total new nominations: 29.