Monday, August 26, 2024

A Journey of Disconnection: Finding Peace, Clarity, and Inner Connection

                                                                                   ED Times
 Late tonight, as I arrived at the Varanasi Cantt Railway Station and returned home with my son, Kabeer Karunik, I was reunited with my smartphone after ten days of separation. These ten days, lived without the constant presence of a smartphone, were nothing short of extraordinary—a period of profound tranquility and rejuvenation. In this frenetic world, those ten days became a rare sanctuary for me, a retreat from the relentless pace of modern life. Free from the incessant chimes of notifications and the compulsive urge to scroll endlessly, I found the time to reconnect with myself. It was a time for rest, deep breaths, and simply living in the present moment.

As the train carried me towards Varanasi, I found myself immersed in an experience that had long eluded me—a pure, unfiltered connection with the world around me. Without my phone, I was able to fully appreciate the unfolding scenery outside the window. Every moment felt vivid and alive—the lush green fields, the distant mountains, the simple yet profound vignettes of life passing by. It was as if I was seeing the world through fresh eyes, free from the distractions that so often dull our senses. This journey was not merely a passage through physical landscapes; it was a journey within, a rediscovery of the self.

As the train wheels clattered against the tracks, I felt a new kind of peace settle within me. The time spent without a smartphone had not only reconnected me with the outer world but also allowed me to delve deeper into my inner self. I realized how the smallest moments—the touch of the wind, the song of birds, the rustle of leaves—can bring the truest joy in life. Liberated from the grip of my smartphone, I savored these moments that are so easily lost in the noise of our daily routines.

Traveling through the ancient and spiritual city of Varanasi, I was also blessed with a profound sense of spiritual awakening. The sight of the sacred Ganges and the resonant chants of the evening aarti at the ghats filled me with an otherworldly calm. The timelessness and spirituality of Varanasi offered me a chance to reconnect with the deeper values within myself. Gazing out of the train window, I felt that no matter how far we wander, nature and culture have a way of drawing us back to our roots.

As I re-enter the digital world tonight, I carry with me the peace and clarity that those ten days bestowed upon me. This journey serves as a poignant reminder that sometimes the best way to connect is by disconnecting—disconnecting from people, from digital devices, and from all that pulls us away from the natural world and our true selves. The time spent without my smartphone taught me that real, meaningful connections are the true treasures of life.

This journey, which was not just about traversing physical distances but about forging deeper connections with my mind, soul, and nature, has shown me that the true joy of life lies in the small things—in the embrace of nature, in the moments shared with loved ones, and in the quietude of solitude. As I return to the digital realm, I resolve to keep the peace and depth I have found, holding on to that purity and vitality that these days have brought into my life.

In Quietude’s Embrace

In the hush of night, I came back home,
With my son by my side, no more to roam,
Ten days without the digital tether,
Ten days adrift in tranquil weather.

No screens to light the weary eye,
No buzzing calls, no hurried "hi,"
In this world of ceaseless haste,
I found a quiet, unhurried space.

The train did hum, the wheels did sing,
Through fields of green and hills that ring,
Each moment vivid, crisp, and clear,
Life unfiltered, nature near.

The Ganges flowed, serene and deep,
As ancient chants in echoes sweep,
In Varanasi's timeless glow,
My soul found peace in its gentle flow.

Disconnected from the modern race,
I felt the wind, the earth’s embrace,
The smallest things began to gleam,
In silent moments, I dared to dream.

The birds that chirped, the leaves that sighed,
In nature’s rhythm, I did confide,
For in that space of calm retreat,
I met myself, and felt complete.

Now back within the digital tide,
I carry peace where worries hide,
A reminder of those days so pure,
That sometimes, less is truly more.

In the quiet, I found my voice,
In solitude, I made my choice,
To live each day with open eyes,
And cherish life without disguise.
                  Lenin Raghuvanshi

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Bond of Love, Forever True

 A Bond of Love, Forever True

On the 20th of August, under the golden sky,
We gathered together, my brothers and I,
Mridul, Harsh, and Parth stood with pride,
With Jasmine, Charu, and Teebra by our side.

Rakhi threads so delicately tied,
A symbol of care that can never subside,
From ancient roots, this tradition we hold,
A bond of protection, more precious than gold.

Jasmine’s smile, Charu’s gentle grace,
Teebra’s laughter that lights up the place,
In each other's hearts, we find our space,
Through every joy and every chase.

Through every laugh, through every tear,
We promise to stand, to protect, and to cheer.
In this sacred ritual, love finds its way,
Connecting us all, come what may.

From the oldest of times to today’s bright sun,
Our bond as siblings, forever as one.
With every Rakhi, a vow we renew,
To be there always, in all that we do.

For brothers and sisters, near and far,
Our love is eternal, like a shining star.

                              Kabeer Karunik

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Reunion in Kashi

 In the heart of Kashi, where the sacred rivers flow,

After long years apart, the joy we did bestow.
Classmates from Gurukul, memories that never fade,
Mr. Hridesh Tomar, a bond we once made.
First time in this holy land, in Savan's blessed month,
For his daughter’s future, to BHU he brought.
Ashutosh Singh, our junior, with a smile so bright,

Together again, in this city of light.
We studied Ayurveda, modern medicine’s blend,
Bachelor’s journey together, now friends to the end.
In the ancient city, with its timeless grace,
We relived old stories, each familiar face.
Wonderful souls, with hearts pure and true,
In Kashi’s sacred embrace, our friendship anew.
A reunion of spirits, in this Sanatan time,
In Kashi’s holy whispers, our lives did chime.