Friday, August 19, 2016

Bicycle for Freedom: Empowering Financially Weak and Sexually Abuse Prone Girls

In the pursuit for gender freedom and girl’s empowerment through education, PVCHR in collaboration with Kamalika Foundation, on August 16, 2016, had organised, ‘Bicycle for Freedom’ program. Five bicycles were distributed to the girls who are financial weak and prone to sexual abuse. With the financial assistance from two hundred Swedish donors, so far, eighty bicycles have been distributed to the underprivileged girls. Smita Sharma, a photo photojournalist, who has taken up the cause of sexual violence in India and abroad, was present. Here’s a report by Shruti in the weekly column Torture & Dignity that will be published every Saturday exclusively in Different Truths.

In a time where domestic violence against women are increasing leaps and bounds , child abuse and molestation is happening on daily basis and victims of such terrible incidences are coerced to lives with social stigma – education plays a significant role to prevent such cases and empower victims. In this context, with mission to empower girl’s educations that are financially weak and prone to sexual abuse, People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) along with Rajdulari Foundation (Sweden) initiated ‘Bicycle for Freedom’ project.

#u4humanrights #pvchr #dignity #freedom #cycle #girlpower

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