Monday, November 14, 2022

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi - Interview Series by SARIM

"Eradicating The Dominant Caste-based Discrimination" Exclusive Interview with Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi Founder & CEO People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights Dalit Rights Activist, India Held on: Wednesday 19, October 2022 #Dalit #PVCHR #NeoDalit #SDG

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Comments on the (FSSAI Notification Std / SP-08 / T / FoPNL – N – 01, New Delhi dated 13th September 2022)


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

FDA Bhawan

Kotla Road, New Delhi: 110 002.


Sub: Comments on the (FSSAI Notification Std / SP-08 / T / FoPNL – N – 01, New Delhi dated 13th September 2022)




Thank you for the information and the invitation for objections or suggestions to the above notification, I am happy to submit as myself survivors of COVID in April 2021 and I received treatment for 12 days in ICU (Annexure 1).  My life partner and son also suffered from COVID so we were dependent on packet foods then I became aware about unregulated packet foods.  I am also Bachelor in Ayurveda, Modern medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from State Ayurvedic Medical College, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar. Please find my writing on this:


MY OBJECTIONS to the as follows in brief:

  • Why give 4 years to the industry for a label, it is not understandable?
  • Why call these packaged food products to be “healthy” in section 14.2(b)
  • I cannot understand the logic that unhealthy food becomes healthy by adding fruits or vegetables or nuts in it.
  • Why doesn't the government tell people what is a harmful food product and why?
  • This notification is complex, unable to understand the scoring system.
  • It simply does not tell me the food is harmful.

My suggestions in brief are as follows. Details suggestion attached as attachment (Annexure 2):

  • Make use of 14.1 of regulation “For the purpose of Front of Pack Nutritional Labelling (FOPNL), the baseline reference values for four health risk increasing factors i.e., energy, total sugars, saturated fat and sodium per 100 g or 100 ml of the product”
  • Issue simple warning on FoPNL if the Food product is HIGH in any of the risk factors as per the definition of High Fat Salt, Sugar (HFSS) food.

Thank them for the opportunity.

With Kind regards,


Lenin Raghuvanshi

Annexure 1:

Comments on the (FSSAI Notification Std / SP-08 / T / FoPNL – N – 01, New Delhi dated 13th September 2022) by pvchr.india9214 on Scribd

Annexure 2:

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I am what I am today only because of him: Lenin Raghuvanshi

 I was two years old, when India celebrated the 25th years of independence. On this occasion, my paternal Grandfather Shri Shanti Kumar Singh, a Gandhian was honoured by Mrs Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India for his memorable contribution to the freedom struggle against the British Raj. He was a huge influence on me, as I spent most part of my childhood with him. His values in life became mine.

His vision of India and its people motivated me to enter into social work. Despite having a bachelor degree in Ayurveda, Modern Medicine and Surgery, from prestigious Gurukul Kangri Viswavidyalaya, Haridwar, I decided to have a life of full-time social worker, thus joined Bachpan Bachao Andolan of Nobel Laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi in 1992. In 1999, I along with many like- minded respected persons formed Jan Mitra Nyas, a public charitable trust. The office of the trust stands on the land donated by my mother-in-law. The trust has donated pump sets, community centres, schools, additional classrooms, ICDS centres to the public.

Today I do not own any house or land. My mother kept me out of my right to inheritance from the family property through her will. My donations are from my limited earnings. Have not tried to cheat, manipulate and loot other’s movable or immovable resources. My wife and son are happy with what we have. We are happy and live peacefully. These are due to the teachings of my grandfather. He continues to live within me, talk to me, lead me, inspire me, and keep motivating me. I am what I am today only because of him.

Passion Vistata describes, “Lenin was deeply engaged in the politics of marginalised people and firmly believes in non-violence. A clear mind, dedication and determination help him carve his path and faces commonly threats and intimidation tactics but, his courage and commitment to a non-violent approach are key factors in tackling these. His wife Shruti and son Kabeer live together happily in a joint family and stays on the move and busy fulfilling his grandfather’s dream who used to emphasise that grassroots politics is the future of the country.”

जब हम दो साल के थे , तब मेरे दादा श्री शांति कुमार सिंह को देश के प्रधानमंत्री श्री मति इंदिरा गाँधी ने स्वतंत्रता के 25वे वर्ष पर ताम पत्र स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में स्मरणीय योगदान के लिए राष्ट्र की और भेट किया. दादा के साथ मेरा बचपन गुजरा. मेरे ज्यादा संस्कार वही से मिले. खासकर समाज, दुनिया और देश के लिए मूल रूप से करने का जज्बा उनसे ही मिला. इसी कारण आयुर्वेदाचार्य( Bachelor in Ayurveda, modern Medicine and Surgery) करने के बाद भी समाज निर्माण के लिए मैं नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता श्री कैलाश सत्यार्थी के संघटन बचपन बचाओ आन्दोलन से 1992 में जुड़ कर 1999 तक पूर्णकालीन कार्यकर्त्ता रहा और 1999 में जनमित्र न्यास का निर्माण किया. आज तक अपना कुढ़ का घर और जमीन नहीं कर पाया कि तभी माँ ने वसीयत द्वारा यह हक छीन लिया. मेरे सास से ली गयी जमीन जनमित्र न्यास का कार्यालय बनाया और चार पम्पिंग सेट जनता को दिया तो कई सामुदायिक केंद्र, विद्यालय के कक्ष और ICDS केंद्र समाज और सरकार को दिया. अपने कमाए से दान दिया और मुफ्त में कुछ भी लेने की कोशिश नहीं की. ये सब दादा के संस्कार है. बस अखिरितक जिन्दा रहे. दोहरेपन से बचे रहे . सही और सीधी बात बोलते रहे.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

AIC Human Liberation Day Video- October 2022 (Ambedkar International Center)

Lenin Raghuvanshi: A Vocal Proponent and Activist for Equality

A Vocal Proponent and Activist for Equality

Lenin Raghuvanshi was born on 18 May 1970 in a higher caste Hindu family, to Surendra Nath Singh and Shrimati Savitri Devi. His grandfather Shanti Kumar Singh, was a Gandhian freedom fighter. Lenin gained his bachelor’s degree in Ayurveda, modern medicine and surgery from the State Ayurvedic Medical College, Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar in 1994. He is married to Shruti Nagavanshi who was previously a famous social activist and they have a son, Kabeer Karunik, who is a national-level snooker player. An aversion toward the caste system always prevailed within Lenin and he refers to the Hindu upbringing as ‘feudal’. This sowed the seed of social activism within him and he later became the president of the Uttar Pradesh chapter of the United Nations Youth Organisation at the age of 23 back in 1993. 

A realization hit him where he realized casteism prevails in all walks of life. With the Indian Government tackling this issue with its reservation policies and making it perennial, Lenin chose the path of uplifting these people by making their voices heard. He went on and founded the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in 1996, along with his wife, historian Mahendra Pratap, musician Vikash Maharaj and poet Gyanendra Pati. Soon after completing his studies, he came across a lot of corrupt practices and decided to join the BBA organisation founded by Nobel Peace  awardee Kailash Satyarthi, and later received facts about how all bonded labour and survivors of slavery came from marginalised castes. This led him to work towards a reconciliation movement against the caste system and patriarchy. 

By the end of 1996, Lenin was championing a major cause that was to fight for the basic rights of lower-caste people. Early experiences taught him that confrontation was essentially dangerous and not the most effective emancipatory tool. Increasingly, he recognised the role of caste in all kinds of social conflicts and therefore envisioned a movement that could break the closed, feudal hierarchies of conservative slums and villages by building up local institutions and supporting them with a high profile and active human rights network. 

His work marks a shift in the Indian human rights movement, which has been reluctant to address injustices in the name of caste as a fundamental human rights issue. Lenin became one of only a handful of activists to declare that such discrimination goes against democratic principles by promoting inequality. With less economic resources, but rich with confidence and conviction, in a short period, he managed to amplify the voice of the marginalized in national and international fora.

Lenin was deeply engaged in the politics of marginalised people and firmly believes in non-violence. A clear mind, dedication and determination help him carve his path and faces commonly threats and intimidation tactics but, his courage and commitment to a non-violent approach are key factors in tackling these. His wife Shruti and son Kabeer live together happily in a joint family and stays on the move and busy fulfilling his grandfather’s dream who used to emphasise that grassroots politics is the future of the country.

Lenin works to promote inclusion and basic rights no matter how complex it is, as he perceives them to be essential. He is driven by the knowledge that every life has intrinsic value and through championing the inclusion of disenfranchised people across India, he is fighting for the love for his country. He envisions India gaining strength through this remarkable diversity instead of being ripped apart. Ever since his birth, gender inequality troubled him and he became more aware with each passing day. Lenin identifies caste as a deeply hierarchical and oppressive system of social stratification and as the root of multiple social conflicts that also acts as a major barrier to his dream of bringing justice to all.

COVID-19 made Lenin more conscious about his health as he focuses on proper nutrition and boosting immunity. His organisation initiated multi-dimensional support to communities, institutions and NGOs towards eliminating COVID-19 and providing awareness, vaccinations etc. He believes speaking up is a way of resilience for a community for sustainable development at the grassroots level. Healthy human resources and the elimination of barriers for the marginalised are one of the most important ways to strengthen the economy and boost the GDP. The negative conflict burdens the economy and so, positive resolutions and participatory pluralistic democracy lay the foundation for a sustainable economy of any country.

Links for kind perusal:

#KASHI #oldmemorieschallenge #Kashi #varanasi #Dalit #NeoDalit #DalitLivesMatter #SDGs #Diversity #pluralism #India #LeninRaghuvanshi #AamirKhan #covid

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

PVCHR: Letter of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav jee for manual of PVCHR

PVCHR: Letter of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav jee for manual ...: #PVCHR #Mannual #JMN #Varanasi #MulayamSinghYadav #U P  

PVCHR: Invitation by Odisha Government for Human Rights

PVCHR: Invitation by Odisha Government for Human Rights i...:  #HumanRights #Odisha #PVCHR #LeninRaghuvanshi #NHRC

PVCHR: Post card from students of class 8 from France

PVCHR: Post card from students of class 8 from France: Lenin Raghuvanshi gave talk on child labour issue to students of class 8 at France during Global March Against Child Labour in 1998 https://...

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

ग्राउंड रिपोर्टः बनारस के बजरडीहा में स्कूल खोलना ही भूल गईं सरकारें और अब सर्वे के बहाने मदरसों पर हंटर !

बजरडीहा के मुस्लिम बहुल इलाकों में काम करने वाले एक्टिविस्ट डा.लेनिन कहते हैं, "मुस्लिम कम्युनिटी में बड़ा बदलाव आया है। वो न शिक्षित हो रहे हैं, बल्कि अपनी कामयाबी के झंडे भी गाड़ रहे हैं। वितंडा खड़ा करने वालों के लिए यही सबसे बड़ी बेचैनी है। वे नहीं चाहते कि मुस्लिम युवक ऊंचा पदों पर पहुंचें। वो दस्तकारी तक ही सीमित रहें। दुर्भाग्य है कि देश के निर्माण को सरकार खुद ही बाधित कर रही है। सच्चर कमेटी की रिपोर्ट में बजरडीहा साफ-साफ दिखता है। पहले मदरसों का काम दीनी तालीम देना था, लेकिन वो अब दुनियावी तालीम दे रहे हैं। पाठ्यक्रम सरकारी है। शिक्षा देना सरकार की नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है। अगर मदरसों को बंद करते हैं तो सरकारी स्कूल खोलिए। नहीं खोल सकते तो मदरसों को आर्थिक मदद दीजिए। सिर्फ हंटर चलाया जाना ठीक नहीं है। अगर कोई मदरसा गैर-पंजीकृत है तो उनके संचालक से ज्यादा, सरकारी नुमाइंदे जिम्मेदार हैं। बदनीयत से कोई काम करेंगे तो बहुत खतरनाक बात हो जाएगी। आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव मनाने में जुटी भाजपा सरकार आखिर यह क्यों भूल गई है कि साल 1857 के गदर में हिन्दुओं से ज्यादा कुर्बानी मुसलमानों ने दी थी। देश के लिए अपनी जिंदगी कुर्बान करने वाले अधिसंख्य मदरसों से पढ़कर निकले हुए लोग थे।"
डा.लेनिन यह भी कहते हैं, "हमें खुद ही नहीं पता कि सनातन क्या है? हिन्दुओं को यह चिंता क्यों नहीं हो रही है कि हमारे गुरकुल क्यों बंद हो गए? उनके यहां दीन की पढ़ाई हो रही है तो गलत क्या है? इस्लाम को जो लोग सही ढंग से समझते हैं वो न तो कट्टरपंथी होते हैं और न ही उन्हें कोई संगठन अथवा धर्म बरगला सकता है। आजकल मदरसों में राष्ट्रगान भी होता है और योग भी। मदरसों से निकले हुए बच्चों को मातृभूमि से ज्यादा प्यार नजर आता है। हमारा नजरिया इसलिए घटिया है क्योंकि उनके खिलाफ दुष्प्रचार बहुत ज्यादा हुआ है। कोई आदमी धार्मिक है तो इसका मतलब यह नहीं होता कि वो पिछड़ा है। इस्लाम में मदीना कांस्ट्यूशन है। मैं उस पुरोहितवाद के खिलाफ हूं, जिसका विरोध बहुत से ब्राह्मण भी करते हैं। सवाल यह उठाया जाना चाहिए कि हमारे वहां संवैधानिक मूल्य जिंदा हैं अथवा नहीं? धर्मांधता पर नहीं, सामजिक सरोकारों व मूल्यों पर बहस होनी चाहिए। मदरसे बंद कर देंगे तो जो भी पढ़ रहे हैं वो भी नहीं पढ़ पाएंगे। धर्म और मजहब की समझदारी न होने पर किसी को भी बरगलाया जा सकता है। लोग निरक्षर रहेंगे तो वहां कट्टरवाद पनपेगा।"

Monday, September 12, 2022

Should Blasphemy Be Punishable? I Live Debate

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

#girlpower: Inext Dainik Jagran page number 3, 11 June 2022

 Lenin Raghuvanshi supported girls power for better India.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Honour of Shruti and Lenin at Balidan Diwas at Constitution club of India

Lenin Raghuvanshi for Dr.B.R.Ambedkar International Pride Award . It is great honour to receive award with hand of Janab Wajahat Habibullah (,former chairperson-National Commission for Minorities) and Shri Udit Raj jee (,former Member of Parliament

Shruti Nagvanshi for Rajiv Gandhi Samaj Ratna Award in filed of social work. Proud to be life partner in personal and professional life. It is great honour to receive award with hand of Janab Wajahat Habibullah (,former chairperson-National Commission for Minorities and Shri Udit Raj jee (,former Member of Parliament

 #womenpower #Womenlifematter #PVCHR #RajivGandhi #NeoDalit #women #RajivGandhi