Friday, May 24, 2024

Deceitful Shadows

 In the shadowed corners where trust once lay,

Lurk fraud and friends who led me astray.

With smiles that gleamed and words so sweet,
They walked beside me on deceitful feet.

Promises made in the light of day,
Turned to whispers, lies, and dismay.
Gold they sought in the guise of care,
Left my heart and pockets bare.

Cheater friends with their cunning guise,
Wove their tales with practiced lies.
Once I saw them as kind and true,
Now their masks are cracked, askew.

Lessons learned through the sting of deceit,
Have made my wisdom complete.
For in the garden where trust is sown,
Only the honest are truly known.

So beware the friend with a hollow grin,
Who sees your kindness as a way to win.
In the end, integrity prevails,
And truth will lift its righteous sails.

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