Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ripples of Change: A Symphony for Bundelkhand's Waters

 In Bundelkhand, where waters scarce do flow, 

Stands a champion, known where'er we go. 

Mr. Sanjay Singh, the Waterman bold, 

In drought-ridden lands, his tale is told.

With fervent zeal and unwavering might, 

He fights for rivers, a beacon of light. 

In arid plains, where hope runs dry, 

He brings forth streams to touch the sky.

Through scorching sun and barren land, 

He labors hard, with unwavering hand. 

His heart beats strong for rivers' plight, 

To quench the thirst, to set things right.

With wisdom deep as the river's flow, 

He guides his people, to make them know, 

That water's life, a precious gem, 

In Mr. Sanjay Singh, we find our stem.

So here's to him, the Waterman true, 

In Bundelkhand, where skies are blue. 

May his efforts bloom like flowers grand, 

And rivers flow through his steadfast hand.

In Bundelkhand's arid lands, where rivers sigh, 

Stands Sanjay Singh, beneath the azure sky. 

A guardian true, he calls out to the masses, 

To heed the rivers' whispers, as time passes.

In Khajuraho's embrace, minds converge, 

To script a tale of hope, as rivers surge. 

Singh's clarion call, a new river's hymn, 

Echoes of revival, where hope's light dims.

From the Ganges to Betwa, their journey we trace, 

As small rivers dance, in a timeless embrace. 

Singh's vision, a symphony of unity, 

Guiding hands joined, in purposeful community.

Padma Shri Pandey, with wisdom profound, 

In fields and forests, solutions are found. 

Lakshman Singh's plea, for structures to defend, 

In nature's embrace, our paths gently blend.

Ramesh Bhai's voice, from Uttarakhand's heart, 

Where flames rage fierce, we seek a fresh start. 

With Raksha Sutra's shield, the forests we'll keep, 

In nature's embrace, eternal promises we'll reap.

Jal Purush Singh, his proposal clear, 

A river's journey, we all hold dear. 

From June's embrace, let the waters flow free, 

As we tread softly, in nature's grand spree.

In this symphony of change, each note plays its part, 

A chorus of hope, from every heart. 

For in safeguarding waters, we find our true worth, 

In unity's embrace, we'll revive the Earth.

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