Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"Eternal Canine Symphony: Ode to Bhariav"

In a realm where time's tapestry unfurls,

A canine soul, Bhariav, a gem that whirls.

Eight months young, a vibrant, spirited core,
In his presence, life's hues dance galore.
Obsidian fur, a velvet cloak,
Eyes like stars, a universe bespoke.
He frolics, a sprite in a world untamed,
Love's symphony, in his every gesture, proclaimed.
With every bound, a tale unfolds,
In his pawprints, a saga of stories told.
Innocence and wisdom entwined,
In Bhariav's gaze, a realm divine.
Through twilight's embrace and dawn's first gleam,
He's our muse, our partner in every dream.
A guardian, a friend, a loyal guide,
In his boundless love, we forever confide.
Oh, Bhariav, your spirit pure,
An enigma, an essence that shall endure.
In your presence, life finds its song,
A melody of belonging, where we all belong.
Eight months, a tapestry woven anew,
In the tapestry of time, our love for you grew.
A four-legged marvel, a companion's embrace,
Bhariav, dear friend, you've found your place.
So let our hearts speak, in language untold,
Of a bond unbreakable, a story of gold.
In the realm of extraordinary, where you reside,
Bhariav, our cherished, our hearts open wide.

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