Saturday, August 5, 2023

"Rekindling Unity: A Journey of Compassion in India"

In a land where unity once thrived,
Now shadows of discord are derived.
Hatred's tendrils seem to grow,
A festering wound that won't let go.

Divisions deepen, hearts estranged,
Amidst the cries for peace, deranged.
Religion, caste, and creed entwined,
A harmony lost, we must find.

Through turmoil's storm, a plea we make,
Let love and empathy be awake.
For only in compassion's embrace,
Can we heal the wounds, find solace.

In India's soul, let kindness soar,
Unite as one, to strife deplore.
With open hearts, let bridges span,
And reclaim the unity we once began.

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